Bones Theory


Morning After Q: Is Brennan Gambling on (or for) Booth?

Good morning, good morning!

Remember last week when I said after Blackout in the Blizzard I was pretty much questionless? Well, sure enough, as the days have gone by, I’ve thought of a few. And, you know…I want to save my Qs for you! So here’s the pregunta for this week:

Is Brennan taking a chance on Booth? Or is she taking a chance on love? (in my opinion, they are the same thing, but you might not agree!)

In Tober’s post yesterday, she took us back to the 100th episode, where we all remember Brennan said “I am not a gambler. I’m a scientist,” and she basically said change was not her thing, right?

So how do we reconcile that with her words at the end of Blackout in the Blizzard, when she says that “one day…maybe…we might…”

She’s talking about the ability to risk losing the rest of her imperviousness, and that he would grow to be not angry, and then they might try to be together.

Is that, or is that not, a ‘gamble’? Perhaps gamble is too strong a word, and I use it only for the context of her own words. But is it still taking a chance?

Remember when (in season one?) Booth insisted that Brennan had to respect the law, and she said if she couldn’t, she could at least respect Booth? Remember how Booth pretty much was speechless, but agreed? That’s sort of how I feel about Brennan in this situation. It’s sort of a “well, even if I don’t believe in love, can I still believe in you?” from her to Booth. To which Booth will one day have to reply with a yes or no.

But until that point, is Brennan dealing with ‘possibilities’, instead of absolutes? Is she ‘going with her gut’ and trying something new, or…in her own way, has she calculated the risk, weighed pros and cons, examined years of evidence and is now doing what is logical and the most appropriate course of action?

I don’t mean to imply that for one, she’s using her ‘heart’ and for the other, she’s using her ‘brain’, and that they don’t overlap. There is overlap there (kinda like a Venn Diagram!)

But I’m just wondering if Brennan is now the risk taker (I mean, is Booth a sure shot at this point), and as Barbara pointed out in the comments yesterday that…

I predict that as the season progresses, we’ll see Booth showing more interest in her, her interests, her way of looking at things, just as she’s done for him in all the other seasons. When he is ready again, what I hope (and think is reasonable to interpret) is that he will not invoke fate or magic or standards or Ones, but simply point out all the specific things he likes about her. Facts and evidence – that’s what will tell Brennan he does know the truth of her, and is dazzled by it.


Thoughts from you? Is Brennan, by her own words, taking a chance? Is she having faith, baby? (and I’m NOT sorry about the baby, cause you all know I love you).

Let’s discuss!

Peace, Love & Bones,
